Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oil Painting (re-post)

So since this is my first blog I'll start off by saying a little more about myself, I attend R.I.T. and am majoring in Illustration and minoring in APR (Advertising and Public Relations).

 Since attending school I have grown to love and hate all different types of mediums. This past fall quarter I came face to face with a medium I was for some reason crazy scared of... Oil Paint!

 First lesson to know when you plan on doing an oil painting is TIME MANAGEMENT! I was unaware of how long it took for oil paints to dry and ended up making a MacGyver box to carry in my "finished" piece into school. It took almost 48 hours for the whole piece to dry! 

Second lesson is keep paper towel or a rag/cloth of some sort handy, Don't dip your brush into water to clean it off in the midst of painting like I did. Ever heard the saying "They mix like oil and water"? Yes, that phrase applies to oil paints just as it does oil. I bought Grumbacher's Unscented Turpentine which makes for a great medium and solvent as well as for cleaning your brushes. Buying unscented is worth it unless you want to go cross eyed while painting. 

I purchased Grumbacher's Oil Paints as well, using a limited palette of colors, Titanium White, Ivory Black, Cobalt Blue Hue, Cadmium Yellow Pal Hue, Cadmium Red Medium Hue and Raw Sienna. 

Your brush is just as important as the paints and canvas, buying a pricey brush is worth it just as long as you clean it regularly after use, Soap and Hot Water works best!

 A palette is of course needed, I use a reusable white plastic plate, doesn't hurt to go green!

 My first and only piece I've done is a painting of all four of my grandparents with a skyline of Buffalo, NY (that's where my roots are). Hope you enjoyed reading and hopefully this was of some help to you! Ill be posting again soon!

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